Amazon Web Services’ new virtual desktops

If your business is considering cloud virtual desktops, you’ve undoubtedly looked into Amazon Web Services. AWS offers one of the most reliable and easily accessible options on the market, including the recent release of high-powered machines with direct access to Amazon’s data centers.

Healthcare software: a healthy development

Some healthcare companies see HIPAA and other compliance regulations as a bane to their business, mainly because of the lengthy and complicated requirements. Poring over authorities’ regulations and ensuring that all areas of operations remain compliant call for a high level of expertise, something that small- and medium-sized businesses may lack.

The Secret Weapon Against Ransomware

According to Systematic, 2016 has been designated as the 'Year of Ransomware' due to the enormous growth in ransom thieving.
With no sign of this stopping anytime soon, companies must look at how to protect their most valuable asset, their data. Until now, Ransomware has seen an increase of 500% from the previous year.