Microsoft Office 365 is constantly gaining popularity with small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This means the amount of data created by Office 365 is growing, posing some challenges in tracking connections and information. This is where the Office Delve feature comes in handy.
A look at Office Delve
Use data analytics to manage backups
The amount of data that the average business manages is unprecedented. And with that shift comes an unavoidable challenge: Deciding which files and records are most important to business continuity. However, with a little creative thinking and implementation, you can ensure the security of your most critical data.
Distributed spam distraction used for illegal activities
Usually, when victims find out their account has been hacked or hijacked, serious damage has already been done. But there’s a new illegal activity that cybercriminals are employing — and it’s done in plain sight. Distributed spam distraction involves sending thousands of spam email, and they do more than cause distractions.
Advantages and costs of virtualization
Many businesses find virtualization to be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing new hardware. Previously, it was necessary to allocate a new server for new applications. Now, virtual servers can run multiple operating systems and applications, eliminating hardware costs and optimizing software deployment and data backup.
Choosing the ideal VoIP provider
Communicating with people via tablet, mobile phone, or laptop has never been easier. Thanks to progressively faster and more stable internet connections, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services have become a more accessible and cheaper alternative to conventional phone calls.
Do more with Office 365
You’ve probably purchased Office 365 to be more productive, but things haven’t turned out well. Don’t feel bad since it’s not too late; here’s what you can do.
Get the staff aboard
To maximize your company’s productivity with Office 365, make sure that every employee with a computer uses it.
Boost your marketing and promotion with social media
Marketing and promotion has evolved greatly through the years, especially in the era of social media. Social media is proving to be the present and future of marketing, and with the following tools, your business can harness its full potential.
Having great content on your site is the magnet that attracts visitors.
Three types of business dashboards
Dashboards allow you to better understand your customers and easily make informed business decisions. But with many types of dashboards out there, each serving a unique purpose, how do you determine which one is best for your company? We’ve listed three types of the most widely used dashboards below.
5 Tips for securing your email account
Email is one of the best things the internet has made possible. We use email to signup for websites, apply for jobs, make payments, and many more. But email users also run the risk of account hijacking, malware attacks, and other cyberthreats. To secure your emails, follow these crucial tips.
Here’s what to look for in apps or wearable tech
Are you overwhelmed by the many choices you have in getting the right technology to monitor your health? Do you download an app on your mobile to track your pulse rate? Or buy a wearable device that can tell you more about your health? While it’s best to leave the professional recommendations to your healthcare provider, it would be great if you’re also in the know, so you have a better idea of what suits you.